SBIS veteran 2014
..:: Courtborne Eros Beata Solitiune ::..
Owner: Kristin Hoff & Jørgen Courtborne Lien
cac winner in Norway , Sweden, Finland. Also cacib vinner in Finland
Litter I.
By Skyborne Image Of Light
Courtborne Galliano Norwegian Champion
Courtborne Tia Maria Norwegian Champion. Bob winner Big winner
Litter II
By Ch Skyborne Croosing The Atlantic
Courtborne Bella Swan
Courtborne Esmè Cullen
Courtborne Reene Dwyer - Baltic Lat Lav Est junior Champion
Courtborne Alice Cullen
Courtborne Rosali Hale
Courtborne Renesme Cullen
Courtborne Jakob Black - Nordic junior w 2014
Courtborne Edward Cullen
cac winner in Norway , Sweden, Finland. Also cacib vinner in Finland
Litter I.
By Skyborne Image Of Light
Courtborne Galliano Norwegian Champion
Courtborne Tia Maria Norwegian Champion. Bob winner Big winner
Litter II
By Ch Skyborne Croosing The Atlantic
Courtborne Bella Swan
Courtborne Esmè Cullen
Courtborne Reene Dwyer - Baltic Lat Lav Est junior Champion
Courtborne Alice Cullen
Courtborne Rosali Hale
Courtborne Renesme Cullen
Courtborne Jakob Black - Nordic junior w 2014
Courtborne Edward Cullen